(This is her profile picture so she can't hate me for using this)
I do want to point out though that trains are like 75 pounds! Extortionate! Flights are cheaper but I just massively can't be fagged with schlepping to an airport and waiting blah blah. It's the Australian in me I'm sure ... airports are not to be taken lightly! A trip to the airport is a several-hour long slog as far as I'm concerned. So in order to justify the cost I opted to experiment with the sleeper bus option. To be clear this is a bus that supposedly allows you to actually sleep (i.e on a horizontal surface) and isn't a regular bus that goes at night. Which is all probably just as well as the journey takes 8 hours. Result?
To be fair I did sleep reasonably well and it's half the price of a train. I arrived in the land of kilts and gingers or whatever somewhat weary and curious. Most stereotypes of Scottish weather have proven so far to be pretty spot on. The main weather pattern for my time in Glasgow could be described as 'drizzly' or just simply 'grey'. Not willing to have my spirits dampened so quickly Kirsty and I took a stroll down Sauchiehall street which probably isn't pronounced how you think it is and saw the wonders of Glasgow at 7am on a Thursday morning.
(Can't be bothered rotating this. You get the point)
I wouldn't say Glasgow has much in the way of AmAzInG sights to see but it was nice to stroll around the town and the park. It seems Glaswegians are pretty stoked about this guy Lord Kelvin. He's got like a park, a river, a hall and TWO subway stations named after him. Here is a list of some of Lord Kelvin's achievements.
- A mirror galvanometer. Awesome.
- A form of temperature measurement
- The second fucking law of thermodynamics
Perhaps he warrants the hype. Who knows? I certainly haven't met him.
I didn't really have any particular need to go sightseeing - I just enjoyed the casual strolling and chatting. Besides, the weather wasn't exactly conducive to daytime frolicking so we just kind of wandered around the city. We spent some time at the Necropolis which is a somewhat dramatically named cemetery that gave a cool view of the cathedral and a beer factory.
(There it is!)
This was followed by beer (not from the factory). We did that a lot actually - drink I mean. Really at any opportunity. ha.
(...and from a variety of vessels)
I spent some time with Kirsty's housemate, Iona, and her boyfriend Adam. We went to the Barra markets which I guess would be described as a dilapidated and sparsely populated marketplace where people sell crap. Want a collection of old VHS films? You got it Lassy! Want a single shoe? It's yours. East Glasgow it seems is best avoided.
(Pictured: rusty paint can, VHS player, a different rusty paint can, a single shoe, a bowl ... so much more)
To be honest with you I didn't really notice much difference between England and Scotland. Walking down the main strip they have the same shops and aside from a curious difference in accent that varies in strength from the light word differences to the downright unintelligible. For those among you unaware - Scotland is trying to get independence from the UK. It didn't really impact my stay but ... it's worth noting. I don't have an opinion.
We all went out on the last night and it was awesome. I won't go into the details but needless to say I got a hi-5 from some rando for my amazing dance skills. I just sort of punch my arms out and move my legs... it's tricky to explain but obviously it's the best dance in the world.
(sexual fiasco)
Glad you are having a good ol time. Tip - It is expensive, but I truly think everyone should experience the trip up North on the train, at least once. It is awesome, especially if you head to Edinburgh. And if you want to get a bit of your own back, sit in first class for as long as you can. :-)