I read a book that was translated from Swedish about a woman in a small suburban town down south who gets kidnapped then raped/tortured in the basement opposite the house she lived in while watching her family through a tv screen. Anyway all the characters seem to dislike people from Stockholm and in my experiences from Gothenburg and Dalarna it seems people THERE don't particularly like Stockholmians either. I have no qualms though. They're a fashionable and fun bunch. No one seems to say sorry though. Not out of selfish disregard for others but it seems they don't want to have to burden the other person with having to answer with something like "that's ok blah blah".
Must say though, where Stockholm city starts and ends is a little confusing as it's spread out over several islands. Seriously look at the aerial view of the city. Looks awesome doesn't it! Definitely impressive that a city was constructed here at all ... seems like a lot of work. After spending around a week there I like to think I managed to get my head around it. The names and pronunciations were a bit beyond me at times but geographically speaking I was starting to get it.
(Right? Cool!)
(Like for example this is ... umm)
(I'm cool you guysss)
(pictured: stuff)
Next day I went to the ABBA museum because I simply HAD to! I was never really a massive fan of ABBA because they're not really part of my generation but like everyone else I certainly know their big hits. Which I later downloaded after the museum. You can get an audio guide that has the members of ABBA explaining things to you. The stuff they were saying was pretty much explained on the plaques around the museum but it was nice to hear their voices. I actually kind of enjoyed it all! It covered their rise to fame from Eurovision, explained why they were so popular in Australia (seemingly more than the rest of the world??) and their eventual break up. I thought that they hated each other but no! They catch up every now and then it seems. They're never going to get back together though. Agnetha (blonde one) has released a new album and of course there's the Mamma Mia musical and movie. You know, the one with James Bond. Go and listen to Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! again - it's kind of really funky!
(Agnetha looking fierce)
Friday I went to, and subsequently didn't enter, the museum of modern art. Wasn't in the mood for art. I went to a castle on a rock instead and while gazing out across the water I saw the amusement park and HAD to go. Worth noting: I found a camera memory chip thing sitting on a rock. You'd be amazed how many people I mentioned it too automatically assumed child porn. No I've just checked and they're someone's holiday snaps. I'd really like to return it to them so I'll do some research. Hmmm. Anyway the amusement park was a lot of fun! There's one particular ride that is like a carousel swing but very high up which offered the BEST view of Stockholm I could have asked for.
(That tall one right there)
Friday night was drinking with some more of Andreas' friends and then watching as Andreas ate the spiciest sausage in Stockholm and apparently the world. Like a champ he finished it and then later on the walk home from the station he threw up a bit also like a champ. Then drank yogurt like a champ. Then dealt with the digestive aftermath of the devastatingly spicy sausage like a champ. Saturday we just both recovered until we decided to do something traditionally Swedish in the same way that a traditional Australian activitiy could be going on a Walkabout and hunting with boomerangs. We ate surstromming.
(Stage 1: initial regret)
Surstromming literally means 'sour herring' and is essentially herring that has long since rotted itself into being. It's powerfully offensive to all senses and is not to be taken lightly. After two simple bites I gagged and had to spit it out. I had to gargle with Dr. Pepper to wipe the taste out - my dentist is probably shaking his head. However my dentist doesn't read this blog so next time I see him I'll lie. The amount of flies this dish attracted was astonishing, and a true sign of the fact that this 'food' should not be approaching any human orifice. Ever.
(Even light would prefer to bounce off it)
Finally on Sunday we decided to do something with our lives and we went for a bike ride around the various islands. Bought some cool stuff, had another amazing burger, had a beer, then went to the vasa museum. A museum solely dedicated to the biggest Swedish war ship made (in 1628) that subsequently sank about 500m after setting off. I actually liked that the museum was quite specific; all the facts became unusually relevant. If it had been a general boat museum I would not have been nearly as interested. Afterwards we had some more beers and tried some non-disgusting herring which was absolutely amazing. Possibly the best thing I ate in Sweden. God I'm hungry right now.
(artist's interpretation)
(Andreas and my herring. MINE)
I met some cool people in Sweden. It's a really interesting country so I'm glad I was able to spend about two weeks exploring it. Now however I'm flying back into London and I have no apartment and no work until September. Massive drainer. I'm hoping to visit Sweden again soon to see some of the friends I've made but it would be a lot better if they just came to visit me in London :D. Yeah!
(A statue clearly touching his own nipple. Now immortalised in stone)