Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I'm sitting on the bus between Seattle and Portland ($8 a ticket. Score) and I'm taking advantage of the onboard wifi to smash out this blog. Therefore I'm hastily throwing in pictures and not checking for spelling. Apologies. I want to give massive thanks to Travis for letting me stay at his place. Feel free to send him money.

I was wondering whether I should mention the dramas surrounding my flight to Seattle as it's a little embarrassing. However I've decided that I shall as it's not that much of a big deal ... I missed my flight simply because I got the day wrong - ha. For some reason I had organised everything with everyone in terms of departures and arrivals ok but managed to book the wrong ticket. Awesome. Realised the night before and frantically had to buy another ticket for the next day. It cost a lot - that's all I'm going to say. Barring that though everything else went along smoothly.

Met Travis at his work and it was pretty much good times from then on! We immediately started drinking at a place overlooking the bay with what is apparently the coldest beer in Seattle. I've gotten into a terrible habit of not planning what I actually want to do in the cities I visit as I'm kind of just visiting to see friends, yeah?

(This is what I've travelled around the world to experience)

I was joking that the trees/foliage made it look like the town of Forks and that we were living in the world of Twilight. Turns out Forks isn't too far away but I didn't really have any interest in going. It was one of those moments when a joke is real and one is left feeling unsatisfied. On that note though we did go visit a Native Indian Reservation (Snoqualmie - heaps of fun to say with an American accent) where we saw a cool waterfall, stood around in the drizzle for a while and had a buffet lunch at the casino. Turns out that the stereotype of casinos on Indian land is totally true. I'm going to show you a picture of the waterfall and a plate of food from the buffet. The food was terrible.

How long are you supposed to look at waterfalls for? What is an acceptable time frame?

The weather started off being a bit sub par; It's cold here people. Did Kris bring a jacket? What, and carry it around the whole time? ... No. Kris did NOT bring a jacket. So I've been rocking the thermals which include my stripy tights and a turtle neck skivvy type thing. I feel like Steve Jobs. Funny though that the main competitor of Apple, Microsoft, is largely based in Seattle. They've got like a Microsoft TOWN where all the employees and their families live in a Microsoft community doing Microsofty things. The weather later  cleared up though and I got some pretty cool views.

(Saw the Space Needle. Didn't go)

I was able to meet with a friend, Whitney, from Japan and some of Travis' friends which was really nice. We had a Russian themed dinner night, went to several bars and even had a dance party. Gotta say though that there is a noticeable Japanese presence here. It kind of caught me off guard to have to whip out my Japanese but it's been fun! Very なつかしい。 Everyone in the USA so far have been lovely. I've been telling all the touristy places that I've just enrolled in the nearby university but don't have my student card yet so I've been saving a few bucks from that.

Seattle is a super hilly city though. After a visit to the highest tower in Seattle I did a tour of the underground in a poetic fit of vertical differences. I won't go into details but after a massive fire, some of Seattle just kind of moved up a level. A building's first floors just became like a basement and the street was on the same level as the first floor. Turns out there was a lot of prostitution in those underground areas. Who knew?

(Closer to god)

(Some say you can still hear the prostitution)

So now I'm off to Portland to see Justin and Cara who are friends from Miami. Portland has been a big thing on my list as I've been watching a show called Portlandia aaand I'm pretty sure it's super accurate. Tell me what you think.

I'll let you know. Until next time!

(I'm collecting these public transport cards like crazzzy.)

(All of them are better than Myki)

Friday, February 22, 2013


My trip, or my 'OE' as the Kiwi guy on the plane exclaimed, began in Los Angeles. After cursing customs for taking foreverrrr (forever) I was finally able to meet up with my friend/gemstone Christal who was extremely lovely to let me stay at her place and drive me around a lot. If you see her in the street then please give her a present or something. Thanks.

LA = celebrities right? Well I didn't see any. Stop reading now if that's a problem for you. I did spend a lot of time doing movie stuff though! If that's your cup of tea then read on friends ...

Turns out that looking at the Walk of Fame requires a whole lot of looking down at the street which is a shame as there is a lot to see at eye level and up along the Hollywood Boulevard - There's heaps of advertising and people dressed up and whatever. I was told that almost all the restaurants and bars in the area are staffed by people 'trying to make it' which makes sense as frankly if you're not a tourist or a future star I have no idea why you'd ever want to go to the area.

(William Shat'n'er hand)

You could see the Hollywood sign from on top of the nearest shopping centre but we opted to do a proper hike around the Hollywood sign. It's free to do and it actually doesn't take that long at all. Granted you don't get to physically touch the sign but you DO get to touch the sturdy looking gate surrounding it! 


There's also a mean looking communications tower up there that you just KNOW is bouncing off celebrities' text messages like crazy. There's a pretty high chance I may have had some data waves of Kim Kardashian's latest utterances shudder through my body.

(Kim and I share a 'K'. Twins!)

The weather has been cooler than Melbourne but it's been pretty consistently sunny. We went for a ride from Hermosa Beach to Venice Beach which is probably most famous for hosting Muscle Beach which is essentially an outdoor gym. To use it you have to A) have a membership, B) Work out in front of hundreds of people walking by and C) ENJOY working out in front of hundreds of people walking by. There wasn't much beefcake while we visited but I did catch this guy close by. It's like he's posing for YOU GUYS!!

(This photo was taken without permission. He'd love it though, right?)

To be all cultured and relevant we visited an interesting movie studio one night to watch a series of short films because one of Christal's friends played a crazy cat lady for about 7 seconds in one of them. We hung out afterwards for a bit and listened to everyone talk about the movies but soon bailed for pizza. This experience was followed a few days later by a tour around the Warner Bros studio. I bought some Ellen underwear (for $20. Worth it).

(The Anamaniacs are long dead apparently)

The tour itself was really interesting and entertaining but I tell you what, getting public transport home was MURDER! The buses kept terminating for no reason that I could discern with my English ability. I ended up catching the same bus (the 210 as I recall) three times on the one trip just because we had to get off the bus and wait for the next one. I had a burger as compensation. I've also been eating a lot of Mexican food.

I'm currently in Seattle at my friend Travis' place. Seattle is pretty rad so far but I'll put that in the next blog.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Pre-Europe Update YEAH BOIIII

Welcome friends, family and internet strangers to this revitalised travel/culture blog of mine. You may or may not have noticed I've changed the side bar from red (Japan) to green (Europe) and very little else. I read through some of my old posts and noticed some of the pictures aren't working; and then noticed that I didn't care. Let's get on with it.

Brief update for those wondering what I've done in the last couple of years since coming home from Japan.

I was accepted into the Monash Diploma of Education course (one year) to become a teacher.


Then I was offered a job at Narre Warren South College as a mostly maths teacher for a year.


That's about it! I've been living in the most amazing share house with the best people EVAR, I also had a great time at Narre South as well. I'm super sad to be leaving both places but these things happen.

To be precise, my trip will commence on February 15th and to save you all wondering, my general plan is as follows.

USA:      LA for 6 days  >>  Seattle for 6 days  >>  Portland 3 days  >>  New York 5 days 

Europe:   Land in Portugal  >>  make the rest up later for about 9 months >> Teach in the UK.

As you can see my Europe plans are a little vague but I've done that quite intentionally. The advantage of putting aside so much time for travel is that I can god damned take my time. If I'm enjoying myself then I can hang out longer, yeah?

Here are answers to some of the more common questions:

- Maybe two years? Travel and then teaching in the UK.
- Staying with friends in the USA and then hostels etc in Europe.
- Errr I suppose?
- Bus, train, plane? How else do people get around?
- That's amazing...
- My brother's fiance's backpack. It's smallish but it'll be perfect.
- Haven't really looked yet but I don't want to take too much.
- I'll be sure to go there...
- Just a one way ticket, I'll buy the return ticket when I need to.

You can work out the questions.

So get ready for some BLOGGING EXTRAVANGA(S). In Japan I was relatively stationary so I suppose there wasn't a whole lot going on. Therefore I'm hoping with all this moving around I'll have some more creative things to comment on. As much as possible I'm going to avoid these three things.

1. The whole "... Then I went here and did this, then went there and did the same thing. Then I ... " format.
2. I'm hoping not to harp on about people you've never met.
3. I will not upload a gajillion photos on Facebook for the two seconds I spent at a bar or whatever.

You're welcome. Ha.

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kris.burridge
Skype: kris.burridge1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KrisComma

Still not sold on Instagram yet. If I jump on I'll let you know.